Get Invited to Set Up Your Darden Coupa Account

Get Invited to Set Up Your Darden Coupa Account Get Invited to Set Up Your Darden Coupa Account
Existing Suppliers

Existing Suppliers

If you are an existing Darden supplier and have a valid Coupa Contact email on file, you should receive an email from Darden that contains a link to register in Coupa and set up Darden as a customer.

If you haven’t received a Coupa registration email yet, it is likely that we do not have a Coupa contact email on file. We’ll need you to provide this information in our Vendor Management Portal.

If no one at your company has received an invitation to the Vendor Management Portal, please visit the Vendor Management Portal page to submit a request for access. Once you are set up in the Vendor Management Portal, be sure to enter your Coupa contact email so we can send you an email to register in Coupa. Note that it will take approximately 3 days for the information to update in Coupa.

New Suppliers

If this is your first time doing business with Darden, please reach out to your Darden contact to get set up in our systems.

For more information, please refer to the How to Get Set Up in Coupa